Wednesday, June 6, 2012

"Spicing" up your babies food

I am always picking up the free magazine in the grocery stores that have healthy recipes and nutrition information. The other day, I picked up the free issue at Stop and Shop and saw this article on "spicing" up your babies food. Here is a summery and interesting points from the article by Wendy Cray Kaufman.

Adding spices and herbs is a great way to add interest and flavor without sugar and salt. A babies first foods need to be bland but as they grow you can use herbs/spices to develop a varied palate from the beginning stages. This helps you avoid the "picky eater" problems and create good eating habits.

In different cultures highly spiced food is very common. If you are breastfeeding, your baby may already be familiar with different flavors, as flavors of herbs and spices are transmitted through the breastmilk.

The best time to introduce more flavor is after 6 months. As always, introduce these seasonings one at a time in small amounts and watch carefully for any allergic reaction. Avoid extracts, such as vanilla, that contain alcohol. If you have any concerns about introducing herbs and spices to your baby, consult with your pediatrician.

Here are some spice and food matches to introduce to your baby:

-Sweet potatoes


-Sweet Potato







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